



"Transition," my unique essential oil blend crafted to accompany you through life's ever-changing seasons, offering support during times of transition, hormonal fluctuations, and the natural shifts that come with PMS and peri-menopause. This nurturing elixir is a soothing balm for your body and spirit, keeping you connected and centered during moments of transformation.

"Transition" is a carefully composed blend of Clary Sage, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Ylang Ylang essential oils, chosen for their exceptional ability to harmonize and balance both body and mind. These precious oils are expertly combined with fractionated coconut oil, creating a gentle potion that provides relief and stability.

As you apply "Transition" to your pulse points on your wrists, abdomen, lower back and back of your neck, its calming and balancing aroma envelops you, like a gentle hand guiding you through life's shifting tides. Clary Sage's earthy richness, Lavender's calming embrace, Roman Chamomile's soothing sweetness, and Ylang Ylang's floral grace combine to create a fragrant symphony that restores equilibrium.

Infused with light energy and sacred geometry, this essential oil blend becomes a conduit for connection and grounding. Allow the sacred shapes to guide your thoughts and intentions, helping you navigate the ebb and flow of life's transitions with grace and resilience.

With each application, recite the affirmation, "I am connected," as you invite a sense of inner unity and strength into your being. Let "Transition" be your trusted companion, offering support and comfort during the transformative moments life brings your way.

Embrace the gentle power of "Transition" and let it be your anchor through life's changes. Experience the harmonious blend of natural essences, sacred geometry, and light energy as they converge to create a sense of balance and connection, empowering you to navigate transitions with poise and grace.

Hand blended on Lutruwita - Tasmania

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