truwala bath tea

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truwala bath tea


"truwala," a rejuvenating bath tea inspired by the magnificent mountain ranges of Lutruwita (Tasmania) and crafted to harness their strength and healing essence. Derived from Palawa Kani, the language of the Tasmanian Aborigines, "truwala" signifies the enduring power of these natural wonders, which hold a special significance as the ancestral lands of the Tasmanian Aborigines, my own ancestors.

My "truwala" bath tea is a carefully curated blend of Matcha green tea, Epsom salts, delicate white cornflowers, and the invigorating essence of Lemon Myrtle essential oil. These ingredients come together to create a soothing elixir that encapsulates the resilience and vitality of the mountains, a connection I cherish as my ancestral heritage.

As you immerse yourself in a truwala bath, envision the mighty mountain ranges surrounding you, and be reminded of the incredible strength that resides within your own being. Matcha green tea infuses your bath with its revitalizing properties, while Epsom salts provide relaxation and rejuvenation. The presence of white cornflowers adds a touch of serenity to your soak.

The uplifting aroma of Lemon Myrtle essential oil invigorates your senses, enhancing the experience of connecting with the spirit of the mountains. This bath tea serves as a gentle reminder of your inner strength, encouraging you to embrace it fully.

Allow "truwala" to be your sanctuary when you seek to rekindle your sense of self and discover the power you hold within. By immersing yourself in this healing bath tea, you'll tap into the enduring strength and resilience of the mountains, finding it mirrored within yourself.

Embrace the transformative journey of "Truwala" and let it be a conduit to the boundless strength you possess. Experience the harmonious blend of natural ingredients and the spirit of the mountains as they converge to remind you of your incredible inner power and resilience.

Hand blended on Lutruwita - Tasmania

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